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About PM tables  

Preventive maintenance programs are pre-defined maintenance, inspection, service, and rebuild programs that are performed on a periodic or one-time basis. They may include measurements, and they will often include more than one activity. Programs will automatically generate work requests for equipment or components at the specified intervals. Note that PMs will not trigger if the unit is on the disposal list. PMs can be set up and modified at any time. An unlimited number of preventive maintenance and inspection programs can be defined to Enrich.

There are 3 key pieces to setting up programs:

  1. Program code, start date, and intervals.
  2. Task(s) to be performed.
  3. Equipment included in the program.

There are 3 types of programs - sliding, fixed, and opted out. All PMs have two important parameters as defined in the PM rules - Can the PM slide? and Can other PMs slide to it?

Type Description
Sliding This type of PM can be done with other specified PMs for the unit within a user-defined time frame (days). PM SLIDE may slide to PM X if that is allowed by the parameters and if the potential future trigger date is within the defined number of days.
Fixed This type of PM is defined as stationary; its completion is limited by a given date, customer preference, or operational constraint. Therefore, it should not slide to an earlier or later date in accordance with another PM. The replacement of a part whose warranty will expire on a certain date may be an example of a fixed type of PM. However, other PMs may 'slide to' it and thus be scheduled at the same time.
Opted Out This type of PM cannot be scheduled with other PMs. It cannot slide, nor can other PMs slide to it. An example of this might be work done by an outside shop on a certain date. The purpose is to get the unit back on the road as soon as possible, and any additional work would delay this. This is the default.

There are 4 possibilities when calculating the next due date for a PM. Overriding all else is the unit PM calendar. This calendar allows you to specify exact dates at which a unit/PM should be next due. When a calendar doesn’t exist, the system will check the PM rule Elapsed PM Calc Date.

When calculating the next due date for a PM, Enrich gets the To reading/date and subtracts the Days for Readings (the PM business parameter Days for Reading, e.g. 90 days) from that. It then looks for a From Reading prior to that date. If no prior date is found using the business parameter value, the next available reading date will be used as the To Reading Date. If the From and To readings dates are the same, the Next Due Date is not calculated.

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