This option allows you to set up and maintain standard repair times for a facility.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables --> | Administration Tables | Location | Facility | Facilities.
The Display Facility screen appears.
Right-click on the facility and select Group/VMRS Stds.
The Groups for VMRS Standards display screen appears.
To copy standards from another facility:
Click Copy From Facility .
The Select Facility to Copy screen appears, listing facilities with defined standards.
Select the facility to copy from.
To work with VMRS standard repair times for an equipment group:
Click Toggle All/Selected to view all equipment groups.
Right-click on the group and select VMRS Standards.
The Facility/Group/VMRS Standards display screen appears.
To copy standards from another equipment group:
Click Copy from Group .
The Select Group to Copy screen appears, listing groups with defined standards.
Select the group to copy from.
To add standard hours for a task to the equipment group:
Click Toggle All/Selected to view all tasks.
Locate the task to be added.
Type in the standard Hours required for that task - the amount of time it should take to perform the specified activity at the selected facility, to 2 decimal places.