Enrich EMMS Online Help

P&L CPM total line lists  

Line numbers that are to be used for calculation of a total line's amounts are defined using a total line list.

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Reports | P&L CPM Reports | P&L Report Table Setup | Total Line Lists.
    • The Work With Lists - P&L Total Line screen appears.
  2. Click Add .
    • The Add P&L CPM Total Line List screen appears.
  3. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    List Code is a unique code used to identify a specific total line list.

    Description is a brief description of the total line list.

    P&L Line Format is a P&L line format that the total list is linked to. You can click on the Prompt button to select the format from a list.

  4. Click Enter .
    • The Edit P&L CPM Total Line List add screen appears.
  5. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Line Line # identifies a line that is to be included in the total line's  amounts. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the line from a list.

  6. Click Enter to save the list.

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