Enrich EMMS Online Help
When defining the individual P&L report lines, you may provide either a single GL account reference or a reference to a GL account list. Each detail report line needs to have either a single wild card GL account reference or a GL account list to tell the P&L report program what data is to be incorporated into that line.
List Code is a unique code used to identify a specific GL list of accounts.
Description is a brief description of the GL account list.
Co is the company the GL account is for. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the company from a list.
GL Account is the general ledger account number to be included on the list. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the account from a list.
GL account numbers may be entered using the wild card character * for components of the account number that will be handled through selection criteria and summarization levels (or sort sequence for the unit P&L).
Suppose that the GL account number for fixed revenue for company 001, facility 110, full service lease contracts is 001 110-4001-20-00 (company facility-natural account-product line functional area). The wild card entry of 001 ***400120** could be used to include GL account numbers for all facilities full service lease contract revenue. The wild card entry of 001 ***4001*** could be used to include GL account numbers for all revenue that is posted to the natural account 4001. From a reporting perspective, however, this might not be adequate to include all fixed charges, and it might include more product lines than desired. Where a single will card GL account references does not extract the data as desired, you would need to build a GL account list for each of the revenue report lines.
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