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This option allows you to change or add summary information to a consolidated definition that will print at the top of the standard consolidated invoice format. Invoice summaries are generated automatically when the CB invoice is generated, provided the summary definition exists and is active.
Charge List identifies what charge types are reported in which columns of the report. An individual charge type can be used, or a charge list. If a charge list is used, then charges may be included in the column based on reason or component, as those are part of the charge list features. Not all charges will have a reason or component code to use as a comparison. The override print sequence from the charge list is ignored when used to define a summary. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the charge list from a list.
Charge Type identifies which charge types are reported in which columns of the report. An individual charge type can be used, or a charge list. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the charge type from a list.
Column is from 1 to 90 columns to be used for the summary. The screens have a left/right command key that allows you to see all columns. The standard invoice will show 3 or 4 columns; however, all columns are available for use with Premium Forms. You have control over the "other" column and whether or not column totals are combined when there is not enough room.
If a consolidated charge will match to multiple columns,then the one with the best CB weighting will be chosen. If two columns have the same best weighting, then the one with the lowest column number will be chosen.
Column numbers are automatically resequenced to start at 1 and increment by 1.
Other Title is the title to use for the "other" column.
Show Other Column defines how the "other" column is handled. The "other" column is the accumulation of charges that do not match to any user-defined column. It may or may not have any values. You can define whether the "other" column should:
Sort Order allows you to choose up to 3 sort fields for the summary, although, currently, the Enrich print will only show up to 2 levels of sort detail.
However, Premium Forms will have all 3 levels available, and a customized print can be required if 3 levels are required. The screens will show all 3 levels. You can click on the Prompt buttons to select the sort fields from a list.
Status is the current condition of the summary definition. It is defaulted to inactive when creating a new definition. This allows you to compete the setup of the definition before it has any chance of being used on an invoice. To enable the summary definition, change the status to Active.
Title is the text to use as the title for the sort values; e.g. "Vehicle" or "Unit" or "Unit Number" when sorting by unit. You can leave the title blank if desired.
Title is the title to use for the column.
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