Enrich EMMS Online Help
This is used to maintain all national entities that the affiliate is associated with. Commonly, there will be only one.
Client is the client code that identifies the environment to use on the national entity's system; it sets up the library list. It is provided by national, and allows the affiliate's system to connect and transfer interface data to the national entity's system. Please carefully enter and double-check the information supplied by the national entity; any incorrect information can prohibit or misdirect your interface data transfers.
Customer is the customer number by which the national entity is known on the affiliate's system. This must be a customer who is set up to use Consolidated Billing. You can click on the Prompt button to select the customer from a list.
Environment is the environment code that identifies the environment to use on the national entity's system; it sets up the library list. It is provided by national, and allows the affiliate's system to connect and transfer interface data to the national entity's system. Please carefully type in and double-check the information supplied by the national entity; any incorrect information can prohibit or misdirect your interface data transfers.
FTP IP Address is the IP address of the national entity's system. It is provided by national, and allows the affiliate's system to connect and transfer interface data to the national entity's system. Please carefully enter and double-check the information supplied by the national entity; any incorrect information can prohibit or misdirect your interface data transfers.
Interface ID is a name for the particular interface to national. It is provided by national, and allows the affiliate's system to connect and transfer interface data to the national entity's system. Please carefully enter and double-check the information supplied by the national entity; any incorrect information can prohibit or misdirect your interface data transfers.
Interface Library is the data file library at the national entity's system to which the interface data will be transferred. It is provided by national, and allows the affiliate's system to connect and transfer interface data to the national entity's system. Please carefully enter and double-check the information supplied by the national entity; any incorrect information can prohibit or misdirect your interface data transfers.
National Name is the name of the national entity.
Product is the product code that identifies the environment to use on the national entity's system; it sets up the library list. It is provided by national, and allows the affiliate's system to connect and transfer interface data to the national entity's system. Please carefully enter and double-check the information supplied by the national entity; any incorrect information can prohibit or misdirect your interface data transfers.
User ID is the user ID to use when communicating with the national entity's system. It is provided by national, and allows the affiliate's system to connect and transfer interface data to the national entity's system. Please carefully enter and double-check the information supplied by the national entity; any incorrect information can prohibit or misdirect your interface data transfers.
User Password is the password to use when communicating with the national entity's system. It is provided by national, and allows the affiliate's system to connect and transfer interface data to the national entity's system. Please carefully enter and double-check the information supplied by the national entity; any incorrect information can prohibit or misdirect your interface data transfers.
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