Enrich EMMS Online Help

Charge codes table  

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables --> | Administration Tables | Accounting | Defaults | Charge Codes.
    • The Edit Charge Codes change screen appears.
  2. Click Add .
    • The Edit Charge Codes add screen appears.
  3. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Charge Code identifies a type of charge that could be levied, e.g. ADM for administration charges, DEL for delivery charges, etc.

    Charge Description is a short description of the charge.

    Type identifies what type of charge this is. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the charge type from a list. Valid values are:

    • 10 - damage reserve
    • 20 - deposit
    • 30 - maintenance allocation
    • 41 - fuel island
    • 45 - permit
    • 50 - manual charge
    • 60 memo work order
    • 99 - other
  4. Click Enter to save the charge codes.
  5. Click Change to return to the Edit Charge Codes change screen.
  6. To work with account defaults for a charge code:
    1. Right-click on the charge code and select G/L.
      • The Edit Charge Code G/L Accounts change screen appears.
    2. To search for existing accounts, type in values for any or all of the search fields and click Enter .
      • The system will look for an exact match for Account Type, Facility, Contract Type, Pool, Equipment Type, and G/L Account. It will look for a partial match on the G/L Account Description; e.g. if you type in 'insurance', it will find all descriptions that contain the word insurance.
    3. Click Add .
      • The Edit Charge Code G/L Accounts add screen appears.
    4. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

      Account Type is the type of account the default applies to. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the account type from a list.

      Facility is a specific facility that the default account applies to. It is optional. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the facility from a list.

      Contract is a specific type of contract that the default account applies to. It is optional. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the contract type from a list.

      Pool is a specific equipment pool that the default account applies to. It is optional. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the pool from a list.

      Equipment Type is a specific type of equipment that the default account applies to. It is optional. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the equipment type from a list.

      G/L Account is the general ledger account that will be used as the default for the charge code. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the account from a list.

    5. Click Enter to save the account defaults.
    6. Click Exit to return to the Edit Charge Codes change screen.
  7. Click Exit to return to the menu.

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