Enrich EMMS Online Help

Accounting periods table  

If using finance leasing, you need to have fiscal years defined in advanced for the maximum number of years you anticipate using for a finance lease.

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables --> | Administration Tables | Accounting | Accounting Periods.
    • The Edit Accounting Periods change screen appears.
  2. To copy accounting periods from an existing year:
    1. Click Copy Year .
      • The Copy Accounting Periods enter screen appears.
    2. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

      From Year is the accounting year to copy periods from.

      To Year is the new accounting year to copy the periods to.

      Offset Days is the number of days to offset the periods in the new year from the old year. It can be left blank.

      For instance, if copying from 2007 to 2008, if the From Year Period 01 runs from January 1, 2007 to January 31, 2007, and the Offset Days field = 5, Period 01 for 2008 (the To Year) would run from January 6, 2008 to February 5, 2008.

    3. Click Enter .
      • The copy will be performed, and you will return to the Edit Accounting Periods change screen where the new periods will appear.
  3. To add new periods without copying:
    1. Click Add .
      • The Edit Accounting Periods add screen appears.
    2. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

      Year is the 4-digit accounting year the period is for.

      Number is the numerical accounting period within the year.

      Start Date is the first day of the accounting period.

      End Date is the last day of the accounting period.

    3. Click Enter to save the accounting periods.
  4. Click Exit to return to the menu.

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