Enrich EMMS Online Help
Customer is a specific customer to report on. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt button to select the customer from a list.
Detail or Summary identifies whether to create a detail report or a summary.
Facility is a specific facility to report on. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt button to select the facility from a list.
Include Current Maintenance Source Only identifies whether to report on the status for units that are currently maintained by the specified maintenance source (Yes) or for all units that have ever been maintained by the specified maintenance source (No).
Maintained By is a specific maintenance source to report on. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt button to select the source from a list.
Program is a specific PM program to report on. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt button to select the program from a list.
Show Customer & Customer Unit identifies whether or not the report should include the customer name and number and the customer's unit numbers.
Trigger % Greater Than/Equal To is the minimum trigger percent to report on; e.g. entering 70 will list all units that are 70 percent or more towards the next trigger date. A value is required.
Use Rate-Per-Day Calculations identifies whether or not the system should use rate-per-day when calculating the trigger date. When using the rate-per-day to calculate the next due date, the system will not trigger a PM if it has already been completed past the date calculated.
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