Enrich EMMS Online Help
A unit is considered overdue as long as it has at least one overdue PM. A PM will not be counted on the report if it is a child of a PM that is currently on the roster.
Age the Overdue Values identifies whether or not to show the overdue values in groups according to the number of days or mileage they are overdue. Possible values are N - no, D - days, M - mileage. If D or M is selected, fill in the Aging fields. Note that aging is only applicable for the summary report.
Aging 1-4 identifies the number of days to include in aging groups, if aging has been requested. These fields are unavailable when No is selected for the Age the Overdue Values field.
Calculation Style identifies the currency calculation that should be used. Options are:
Company is a specific company to report on. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt button to select the company from a list.
Copies is the number of copies of the report to print. A value is required.
Customer is a specific customer to report on. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt button to select the customer from a list.
Download flags whether the report output should be placed into a file that can be downloaded to a PC.
Duplex flags whether the report should print on both sides of the page. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list.
Facility is a specific facility to report on. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt button to select the facility from a list.
Forecast Window is the number of days to forecast on the report. It defaults to 14.
Groups is up to 6 equipment groups to include or exclude from the report, as selected. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt buttons to select the groups from a list.
Hold flags whether the report should be held in the queue until released manually rather than being printed automatically. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list.
If Summary, Then By identifies whether the summary report should be sorted by facility or by equipment type. This will be greyed out if the detail report has been selected.
Maintenance Source is a specific maintenance source to report on. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt button to select the source from a list.
Output Queue is the output queue that the report should be placed in. It defaults to your regular queue.
Override Next Required Date With WR Date - the PM currency report determines the next due date by taking the earliest date calculated for all intervals. If this field is set to Yes, when calculating the next date for a metric interval, the date will be overridden with the date of the roster if the PM has already been triggered.
PM Categories is up to 5 PM categories to include or exclude, as selected, on the report. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt buttons to select the categories from a list.
Pools is up to 6 equipment pools to include or exclude from the report, as selected. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt buttons to select the pools from a list.
Program is a specific PM program to report on. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt button to select the program from a list.
Region is a specific geographic region to report on. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt button to select the region from a list.
Save flags whether the report output should be saved online after it has been printed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list.
Sort By Customer, Equipment Type, Unit identifies whether the report should be sorted by customer then unit, or by equipment type, or just by unit.
Type of Report identifies whether to generate a detail report, a summary report, or both. The detail version of the report will show the PM to which the PM on the detail line will slide, if applicable.
UOM for Aging by Mileage - if aging by mileage is chosen, a unit of measure is required. This is to handle the situation where the units on the report do not track readings in a common UOM. This field is unavailable
when No is selected for the Age the Overdue Values field. You can click on the Prompt button to
select the unit of measure from a list.
User Data allows you to set up an identifier for the print job that will show up on the output queue. It is optional.
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