Enrich EMMS Online Help
This option allows you to send customers an email when a (MOT) PM program has passed or failed. The PM rule Send Pass/Fail Notice must be turned on for the PM.
PM Program is the program for which notices should be sent. It defaults to the first PM it finds with the rule turned on, but can be changed. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt button to select the program from a list.
Work Order Number is the work order with the PM. The status of the work order with the PM does not matter; the work order is all you need for a pass notice. If sending a failure notice, the work order must have at least one of the failure VMRS codes on it; the failure email will then list those codes. A value is required. You can click on the Prompt button to select the work order from a list. If you prompt, the system will display a list of only those work orders that contain the selected PM.
Send Pass or Fail identifies whether to send a pass or a failure notice.
Email Address is the email address to which the notice will be sent. The address from the customer PMA email contact will be filled in automatically here, but can be changed. A value is required.
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