Re-activate a sold unit as a customer-owned unit
If the Asset Management business parameter Allowed to Change Owner is set to Yes, you can bring a sold unit back as an active unit into the fleet if the owned unit was sold to a customer.
To re-activate a unit:
At the EMMS main menu, select Equipment | Equipment.
The Display Equipment screen appears.
Change the Status to Sold and press Enter.
Right-click on the sold unit and select Change.
The Edit Equipment change screen appears.
Click Chg Ownership
The Change Unit Ownership enter screen appears. A warning message will appear in red: "Warning: Unit Status is Sold. Changing ownership will change the Unit Status to Active."
If necessary, select the customer.
Click Enter
The ownership will be changed, and an audit record created. The Change Pool/Facility Assignment screen appears.
If required, select the new pool and/or facility and click Enter
; otherwise, click Exit
You return to the Edit Equipment change screen.
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