Enrich EMMS Online Help

Equipment user-defined status  

This option allows you to set up and maintain an equipment unit's user-defined status. When adding or deleting a user-defined status to a unit, an audit record is created.

  1. At the EMMS main menu, click on the Equipment button.
    • The Display Equipment screen appears.
  2. Right-click on the unit and select Change.
    • The Edit Equipment change screen appears.
  3. Click Action List .
    • The Equipment Actions screen appears.
  4. Click User Def Status History.
    • The Equipment Status History display screen appears.
  5. To delete a status:
    1. Right-click on the assignment and select Delete.
      • The Delete Equipment Status screen appears.
    2. Click Enter .
      • The Confirm prompt appears.
    3. Click Confirm.
      • The record will be deleted.
  6. To add a status:
    1. Click Add .
      • The Update Equipment Status screen appears.
    2. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

      Effective Date/Time are the date and time the user-defined status goes into effect. You can click on the calendar button to select the date.

      User Status Code is the user-defined status being assigned to the unit. You can click on the Prompt button to select the status from a list.

    3. Click Enter .
      • You return to the Equipment Status History display screen where the new status will appear.
      • The status will appear on the Display Equipment and Edit Equipment change screens for the unit.

Note: If a unit has a user-defined status, the rules for the status will be checked to see if a function is allowed. The following functions will be checked:

Area Function Check
Permits addition of a permit a user-defined status as of the permit effective date
Work Roster addition of a roster a user-defined status as of the scheduled start date
addition of a defect to the roster a user-defined status as of the current date/time
Work Planner placing a planner entry onto a work order a user-defined status as of the scheduled date/time

Work Orders

addition of a work order a user-defined status as of the work order open date/time
addition of a sublet work order a user-defined status as of the work order open date/time
placing a work roster onto a work order a user-defined status as of the current date/time
addition of a defect to a work order a user-defined status as of the current date/time
Warranty Claims addition of a warranty claim for a work order a user-defined status as of the current date/time
addition of a warranty claim without a work order a user-defined status as of the current date/time
change of a warranty claim a user-defined status as of the claim date
copy of a warranty claim the unit on the work order to copy has a user-defined status as of the current date/time
PM Trigger on the nightly PM trigger program PM cannot be triggered if the unit has a user-defined status as of the current date/time
when a reading is created the unit has a user-defined status as of the measurement date/time
Work Order Estimate addition of an estimate the unit has a user-defined status as of the request date/time


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