Enrich EMMS Online Help
Billable Line Status is the billable line status for each line displayed. It defaults from the Screen Preferences business parameter Billable Sts for Equip Repair History. You can click in the field then click the Prompt button to select the billable status from a list.
Include Capital Cost identifies whether or not to include capital costs in the history. It defaults to No, but can be changed. If set to No, reason codes from the 2 Screen Preferences reason code business parameters (Exclude Cap Cost Repair Reason Code and Exclude Cap Improv Repair Reason Code), and the system and task codes in the PDI VMRS System, Task parameters on the Asset Management business parameters, will be excluded. If set to Yes, they will all be included. You can click in the field then click the Prompt button to select the value from a list.
Include Warranty Recovery identifies whether or not to include warranty recovery costs in the history. It defaults to Yes, but can be changed. If set to No, work orders with a warranty reason code (Reason code for WO’s parameter on the Warranty business parameters) will not be included; if set to Yes, they will be included. You can click in the field then click Prompt to select the value from a list.
Work Order is a specific work order to limit the repair history to.
Component is a specific component to limit the repair history to. You can click in the field then click the Prompt button to select the component from a list.
Task is a specific task to limit the repair history to. You can click in the field then click the Prompt button to select the task from a list.
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