Enrich EMMS Online Help
Effective Date is the date the standard repair time goes into effect.
Standard Hours is the number of hours the task should take, to 2 decimal places.
Description is a description of the system, assembly, part, and task. It is filled in by Enrich.
Effective Date is the date the standard repair time goes into effect. A value is required.
Hours is the number of hours the task should take, to 2 decimal places. A value is required.
Skill is the employee skill that is required for the repair. A value is required. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the skill from a list.
Sys/Asy/Part/Task are the system, assembly, part, and task that the standard repair time is for. Values are required. You can right-click in the fields and select Prompt to select the values from a list.
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