Enrich EMMS Online Help

Update PM history  

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs.
    • The Work With Programs display screen appears.
  2. Right-click on the program and select Status.
    • The Preventive Maintenance display screen appears.
  3. Click Change .
    • The Update PM History change screen appears.
  4. Change any fieldfield values as required.

    Date Created is the date the PM record was created.

    Completion Date is the date the PM was completed for the unit.

    Reading At Compl Date is the unit's meter reading on the PM completion date.

    UOM is the unit of measure used for the reading.

  5. Click Enter to save the changes.
  6. To delete a PM for a unit:
    1. Right-click on the unit and select Delete.
      • Enrich checks to see if the PM being removed has a defined level of authority.
    2. If the PM has a defined level of authority, a window will appear asking for your user ID and password.
    3. Type in your user ID and password.
    4. Click Enter .
      • If you don't have the necessary authority, a message to that effect will appear and you will not be able to continue.
      • Otherwise, the Enter Comments change screen appears.
    5. Type in an explanation for the deletion, which will be attached to the audit record.
    6. Click Enter .
      • The record will be deleted.
  7. To add a PM history record for a unit:
    1. Right-click on the unit and select Add History.
      • The Add PM History screen appears.
    2. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

      PM Due Date is the due date for the PM being added.

      Completion Date is the date the PM was completed.

      Metric Reading is the meter reading on the unit at the completion date.

    3. Click Enter .
      • The Select Interval screen appears.
    4. Select the Interval you are adding the history for.
    5. Click Enter .
      • If the PM has a pattern, the Select Pattern Sequence screen appears.
    6. Select the sequence that is being updated.
      • The Update PM History change screen re-appears, with the new record.

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