Enrich EMMS Online Help

Enter a fuel drop  

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Fuel Island | Work With Fuel Drops.
    • The Work With Fuel Drops display screen appears.
  2. Type in or select the Facility where the fuel drop was made.
  3. Click Enter Fuel Drops .
    • The Enter Fuel Drops screen appears.
  4. Fill in or change the fieldfield values as required.

    Date is the date the fuel drop was made. It defaults to the current date, but can be changed. Note that the date and time play a critical role in reconciling with tank readings; therefore, they need to be accurate.

    Fuel Tank identifies which fuel tank the drop was made to. You can click on the Prompt button to select the tank from a list.

    Item Number identifies the product that was delivered. It must be a stocked item. There are no checks on the item to determine whether it is frozen or on a count. You can click on the Prompt button to select the item from a list.

    Purchase Cost/Unit is the price per unit that the product was purchased for. Cost can be left zero and, if it is, inventory and GL will not be updated. Entries are created in the debit inventory that are credited in a fuel purchase clearing account.

    Note: If this screen was accessed from the Fuel Tickets screen using the Work With Fuel Tickets (Facility) option, you will not be able to enter a cost. Admin staff will enter the cost later using the Work With Fuel Drops display screen.

    Purchase Quantity is the amount of product that was delivered, to 2 decimal places.

    Time is the time of day the fuel drop was made. It defaults to the current time but can be changed. Note that the date and time play a critical role in reconciling with tank readings; therefore, they need to be accurate.

  5. Click Enter to save the fuel drop.

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