Enrich EMMS Online Help
It is possible to have the hours billed on a shop invoice be calculated based on a quantity entered on a work order line. For example, bill 3 hours for the first 4 feet of a container repair and 1/2 hour for every additional foot. In order to do this, incremental hours must be defined at the customer or customer class level.
Accept Reverse only applies when width and length are entered. It will allow you to indicate that the reverse dimensions have the same values. For example, if the dimensions are 2 x 3 and the billing hours are the same even if it is 3 x 2, set this to Yes. That way you don't have to set up both directions.
Base Hours is the number of billing hours applicable for the Base Quantity, e.g. 3 hours.
Base Quantity is the base quantity for the task, e.g. 4 feet.
Equipment Group is a specific equipment group to which the incremental hours applies. It is optional. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the group from a list.
Height should only be used for square footage types of UOMs. It should be entered in conjunction with Width. Enrich won't perform that validation, however.
Incremental Hours is the number of hours to bill for each incremental quantity, e.g. 1/2 hour.
Incremental Quantity determines how much to bill for the excess if the base quantity is exceeded, e.g. each additional 1 foot.
Length should only be used for square footage types of UOMs.
Maximum Hours is optional. If a value is entered here, it will become the maximum billing hours used regardless of the calculation. For example, if the maximum is set to 7 hours and the calculation is 1 hour per foot and you enter a quantity of 10, the billing hours would be capped at 7.
Mfg/Model is a specific equipment manufacturer and model to which the incremental hours applies. It is optional. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the manufacturer and model from a list.
UOM displays the unit of measure for the quantity based on the customer/VMRS/task.
Width should only be used for square footage types of UOMs. It should be entered in conjunction with Height. Enrich won't perform that validation, however.
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