Enrich EMMS Online Help
Customers can have multiple addresses on file.
Address Number is a sequential number that identifies one of multiple addresses for this customer.
Address Type identifies whether the address is for shipping, billing, collection, delivery, remit to, or PM letters. You can click on the Prompt button to select the address type from a list.
City is the city this address is in.
Contact is the name of the person at the customer address who can be contacted with any questions.
Email is the email address of the contact person.
Extension is the extension for the phone number, if required.
Fax is the fax number at this address. There is room for a country and/or area code, if required.
Line 1-3 contain the street and/or mailing address for the customer.
Phone is the telephone number at the address. There is room for a country and/or area code if required.
Postal/Zip is the full postal or zip code for the address.
Prov/State is the province or state the customer address is in. You can click on the Prompt button to select the province or state from a list.
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