Enrich EMMS Online Help

Change a CI invoice  

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Central Invoicing | Invoices.
    • The Invoices by User display screen appears.
  2. Right-click on the invoice and select Change.
    • The Maintain Invoice enter screen appears.
  3. Change any fieldfield values as required.

    Create Invoice Without PO identifies whether you wish to create an invoice without a PO. If Yes, you will be able to enter the vendor and facility, as well as the regular invoice information. Without the PO, however, the invoice can only be placed into a Query-Facility status.

    Discount Due Date is the date the invoice must be paid in order to get the discount, if applicable. If the Purchasing business parameter Allow Due Date Change is set to Yes, this field will be modifiable; otherwise, it will be display only. You can click on the calendar button to select the date.

    Due Date is the date the invoice will be due. If the Purchasing business parameter Allow Due Date Change is set to Yes, this field will be modifiable; otherwise, it will be display only. You can click on the calendar button to select the date.

    Exchange Rate is the exchange rate to use for the invoice if the vendor is located in a different country or deals in a different currency.

    Invoice Date is the date the invoice was issued. You can click on the calendar button to select the date.

    Invoice Discount Amt is the amount of the discount that can be subtracted from the invoice if paid within the discount period. It is optional.

    Invoice Net Amount is the total amount of the invoice before taxes.

    Invoice Number is the number on the invoice.

    Pay To is the vendor to pay for the invoice. You can click on the Prompt button to select the vendor from a list.

    PO# is the purchase order number for the invoice, if appropriate. It should be taken from the invoice. However, you can click on the Prompt button to select the PO from a list; the Select PO for Invoice screen appears, listing shop POs (inventory and sublet). If you need an equipment or outside rental PO, click Equipment PO's .

    If a PO is entered or selected that is not unique (i.e. the same number exists as both an inventory PO and an equipment PO), a window appears where you can select the appropriate PO for the invoice.

    If a PO is entered or selected that is already attached to another invoice, a warning appears. You will be able to proceed, however, as it is sometimes okay to pay a PO with multiple invoices.

    Tax is up to 2 tax codes and amounts to add to the invoice. You can click on the Prompt buttons to select the taxes; the system will calculate the amounts.

  4. Click Enter to save the changes.
    • The Confirm prompt appears.
  5. Click Confirm.

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