Enrich EMMS Online Help

Add special charges to a CI invoice  

You can add any type of special charge EXCEPT for one that is a tax code. Also, any special charge entered must be able to find a GL account or it will not be allowed. For example, if you enter a charge that only has GL accounts set up at the province/state level, but you do not enter a province/state on the charge that can be found to have a GL account, you will receive an error.

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Central Invoicing | Invoices.
    • The Invoices by User display screen appears.
  2. Right-click on the invoice and select Change.
    • The Maintain Invoice enter screen appears.
  3. Click Add Charges .
    • The Invoice Special Charges add screen appears.
  4. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Charge Type is the type of charge to add to the invoice. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the charge from a list.

    Amount is the amount of the charge to add to the invoice, to 2 decimal places.

    Province/State is the province or state where the charge applies. It is optional, but may be required to find the correct GL account. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the province or state from a list.

  5. Click Enter to save the charges.

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