The VMRS and repair codes are used to build the activities that can be performed. You must pre-define the following tables before you can set up activities:
Task codes identify the kind of work that might be performed on an equipment unit or part.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Task Codes. The Maintain Task Master change screen appears.
Click Add
. The Maintain
Task Master add screen appears.
Type in a Task code and Task Description for each task you require.
Task Description: is the name of the task; e.g. inspect, change, clean.
Task: is a two-digit code that identifies a kind of work that might be done on equipment or parts; e.g. 01 for repair, 09 for install.
Click Enter
to save the tasks. They
disappear from the Add
Click Exit
to return to the menu.
Repair reason codes are used to identify why a work order or work order activity is being done.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Repair Reason Codes. The Display Reason screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Reason change screen appears.
Click Add
. The Edit
Reason add screen appears.
Type in a Reason code and Description.
Description: is a description of the reason for repair; e.g. capital improvement, breakdown, routine inspection.
Reason: is a two-digit code identifying why a work order or task is being performed; e.g. 01 for breakdown, 07 for pre-delivery.
Identify the Status of the reason.
Status: identifies whether the reason code is active or inactive. Inactive reason codes will not show on work orders unless they are the “currently” selected reason, i.e. the reason is on the work order and then was later inactivated. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Inactive reasons will not appear when working with reasons on a work order. They will be greyed out when prompting on reason for the Consolidated Billing charge list. You will only be able to choose an active reason on the Maintenance Business Parameters, Insurance Business Parameters, Preventive Maintenance Business Parameters, Roadcall Business Parameters, and Warranty Business Parameters screens. Report selection screens and Lease Rental screens will allow any reasons, including inactive ones.
If necessary, type a value in the Reason Reference For field.
Reason Reference For: when a value exists in this field, any time you enter a work order with the corresponding reason, a prompt screen for the reference (e.g. a claim number, capital expense, etc.) will appear. The reference is then stored for the work order and, upon close/approval of the work order, is copied to the accounting interface files.
Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each reason you require.
Click Enter
to save the reasons. They
disappear from the Add
Click Exit
to return to the menu.
Part failure codes are used to identify how a part failed and, therefore, why a work order or work order activity is being done.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Part Failure Codes. The Display Part Failure Code screen appears.
Change .
The Edit Part Failure
change screen appears.
Add .
The Edit Part Failure
add screen appears.
Type in a Part Failure Code and Part Failure Description.
Part Failure Description: is a description of the part failure; e.g. cracked, vandalism, leaking.
Part Failure Code: is a two-digit code identifying how a part failed; e.g. 01 for premature wear, 13 for cracked.
Type in or select the Status of the code.
Status: is the current condition of the failure code: active or inactive. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each part failure code you require.
to save the part failure codes. They disappear from the Add screen.
twice to return to the menu.
Cost reporting codes identify major component systems on equipment that work might be costed to.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Cost Reporting Codes. The Maintain Cost Reporting Codes change screen appears.
Click Add
. The Maintain
Cost Reporting Codes add screen appears.
Type in a Cost Code and Description for each cost reporting code you require.
Description: is the name of the cost reporting code; e.g. chassis, engine system, other charges.
Cost Code: is a one-character code used to identify a major component system on an equipment unit that work might be costed to; e.g. A for other charges, 1 for chassis.
Click Enter
to save the cost reporting
codes. They disappear from the Add
Click Exit
to return to the menu.
System, assembly, and part codes
The system is an equipment component system, brakes for example. The assembly is a grouping of components within a system, front brakes and drums. The part is the individual part that goes into an assembly, brake shoe. So the systems have to be set up first, then the assemblies, and then the parts.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | System/Assembly/Part. The Maintain System Codes change screen appears.
Right-click on the system and select Parts. The Maintain Assembly Parts change screen appears.
Click Add
. The Maintain
Assembly Parts add screen appears.
Type in or select the Assy that the part belongs to.
Assy: is the particular assembly or sub-system on an equipment system that the part is used for; e.g. 002 for rear brakes and drums, 012 for electric brakes. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Type in a Part code and Description.
Description: is the name of the part; e.g. anchor plate, slack adjuster.
Part: is a three-digit code identifying a particular part that is used on the specified system and assembly; e.g. 004 for anchor plate, 023 for rear brake drum.
Repeat steps 4 to 5 for each part on each assembly on the specified system.
Click Enter
to save the parts. They
disappear from the Add
Click Exit
to return to the Maintain
System Codes change screen.
The system is an equipment component system, brakes for example. The assembly is a grouping of components within a system, front brakes and drums. The part is the individual part that goes into an assembly, brake shoe. So the systems have to be set up first, then the assemblies, and then the parts.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | System/Assembly/Part. The Maintain System Codes change screen appears.
Right-click on the system and select Assembly. The Maintain Assembly change screen appears.
Click Add
. The Maintain
Assembly add screen appears.
Type in an Assembly code and Assembly Description for each assembly you require.
Assembly Description: is the name of the equipment assembly, e.g. rear brakes and drums, brake lining and fittings.
Assembly: is a three-digit code identifying a particular assembly or sub-system on an equipment system, e.g. 002 for rear brakes and drums, 012 for electric brakes.
Click Enter
to save the assemblies.
They disappear from the Add
Click Exit
to return to the Maintain
System Codes change screen.
You can now set up the parts for each assembly.
The system is an equipment component system, brakes for example. The assembly is a grouping of components within a system, front brakes and drums. The part is the individual part that goes into an assembly, brake shoe. So the systems have to be set up first, then the assemblies, and then the parts.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | System/Assembly/Part. The Maintain System Codes change screen appears.
Click Add
. The Maintain
System Codes add screen appears.
Type in a System code and Description.
Description: is the name of the equipment system; e.g. brakes, chassis group, steering, drive shafts.
System: is a two-digit code used to identify an equipment component system; e.g. 13 for brakes, 10 for chassis group.
Type in or select the appropriate Cost Reporting Code.
Cost Reporting Code: is a one-character code used to identify a major component system on an equipment unit that work might be costed to; e.g. A for other charges, 1 for chassis. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Repeat steps 3 to 4 for each system you require.
Click Enter
to save the systems. They
disappear from the Add
Click Change
to return to the Maintain
System Codes change screen.
You can now set up the assemblies for each system.
Once these tables have been set up, you can define the activities, including instructions, standards, skills required, etc.:
Activity codes allow you to specify which tasks can be performed on which parts. Once that has been defined, you can identify sub-activities, task instructions, required measurements, required skills, and vehicle standards for each activity (combination of task and part).
The table is set up so that all the components you have defined (system, assembly, and part) are automatically listed down the screen and all tasks you have defined are automatically listed across the screen. You must 'turn on' each task that your company can perform for each component.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Activity Codes. The Activity Codes display screen appears.
Locate the component you wish to activate tasks for.
If you want to activate a single task, click in the task column for the component and type a Y.
If you want to activate all tasks for a component, right-click on the component and select Select All.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 as needed for all components and tasks.
Click Enter
to save the information.
Click Exit
to return to the menu.
You can now continue on to define sub-activities, activity instructions, activity metrics, activity skills, and equipment standards.
Any activity may have sub-activities making it up (e.g. Check Brakes and Drums could have two sub-activities: Check Brakes and Drums - Front; Check Brakes and Drums - Rear). And any sub-activities can have sub-activities.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Activity Codes. The Activity Codes display screen appears.
Right-click on the component you wish to define sub-activities for and select Sub-Activity. The Select Task screen appears.
Right-click on the task you wish to define the sub-activities for and select Select. The Display Sub-Activities screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Sub-Activities display screen appears.
Locate an activity you wish to include as a sub-activity, right-click on it and select Select. An asterisk appears in the right-most column.
Repeat step 5 for each activity you wish to add.
Click Exit
twice to return to the Activity Codes display
This option allows you to set up instructions for how to perform a particular activity.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Activity Codes. The Activity Codes display screen appears.
Right-click on the component you wish to define instructions for and select Instructions. The Select Task screen appears.
Right-click on the task you wish to define the instructions for and select Select. The Additional Instructions screen appears.
Type the instructions on the blank lines. Make sure to press Tab or Field Exit at the end of each line to get to the next line.
Click Enter
to save the instructions.
Click Exit
to return to the Activity
Codes display screen.
Any activity can have metrics or measurements that need to be taken as a regular part of that activity.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Activity Codes. The Activity Codes display screen appears.
Right-click on the component you wish to define metrics for and select Metric. The Select Task screen appears.
Right-click on the task you wish to define the metrics for and select Select. The Edit Activity Metrics display screen appears.
Click Show
to view all defined metrics.
Right-click on a metric you wish to add and select Select. An asterisk appears to the left of the metric.
Repeat step 5 for each metric to be added to the activity.
Click Exit
to return to the Activity
Codes display screen.
This option allows you to identify whether 3C comments (complaint, cause, correction) should be used on work orders for a component.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Activity Codes. The Activity Codes display screen appears.
Right-click on the component and select 3C Comments. The Use 3C Comments on VMRS enter screen appears.
Select Yes or No for Use 3C Comments On WO, as required.
Use 3C Comments on WO: indicates whether or not 3C comments (complaint, cause, correction) should be used on work orders for the specified VMRS. This will override any setting at the facility or system level business parameters.
Click Enter
to save the comments flag.
Click Exit
to return to the Activity
Codes display screen.
An activity may require employees with particular skills to perform it. This table lets you identify the skills required and identify the standard number of hours the activity will take for a person with that skill.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Activity Codes. The Activity Codes display screen appears.
Right-click on the component you wish to define skills for and select Skills. The Select Task screen appears.
Right-click on the task you wish to define the skills for and select Select. The Edit Activity Skills display screen appears.
Click Show
to view all defined skills.
Right-click on a skill you require and select Select. An asterisk appears to the left of the skill.
Type in the Standard Hours for the skill.
Standard Hours: is the usual amount of time the job takes by someone with the specified skill set, to two decimal places.
Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each skill required or able to perform the activity.
Click Enter
to save the information.
Click Exit
to return to the Activity
Codes display screen.
Activity standard billing hours
This table allows you to define standard billing hours at the VMRS/task level. If a customer does not specifically have standard billing hours defined, Enrich will look to this global level.
Standard billing hours can be defined 3 ways:
When you first access the Standard Billing Hours screen, you will see a list of standard billing hours that are currently defined by VMRS code. The default view is All Hours, to show any hours defined strictly by VMRS or by group or by manufacturer/model. The current view is important when using the change or print functions since it is that view which will be changed or printed.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Activity Codes. The Activity Codes display screen appears.
Click Standard
Billing Hours .
The Standard Billing Hours
(All Hours) screen appears.
To define standard billing hours strictly at the VMRS level:
Click Toggle
VMRS/Model/Group/All until
the Standard Billing
Hours (VMRS Hours) screen appears.
Click Change
. The Standard
Billing Hours (Showing Selected) screen appears.
Click Show
to view all VMRS codes.
Locate the VMRS code you require and type the standard time in the hours field for that VMRS.
Click Enter
to save the hours.
To define standard billing hours for an equipment group:
Click Toggle
VMRS/Model/Group/All until
the Standard Billing
Hours (Group Hours) screen appears.
Click Change
. The Select
Equipment Group screen appears.
Right-click on the equipment group and select Select. The Standard Billing Hours (Showing Selected) screen appears.
Click Show
to view all VMRS codes.
Locate the VMRS code you require and type the standard time in the hours field for that VMRS.
Click Enter
to save the hours.
To define standard billing hours for a vehicle manufacturer/model:
Click Toggle
VMRS/Model/Group/All until
the Standard Billing
Hours (Mfg/Model Hours) screen appears.
Click Change
. The Select
Make screen appears.
Right-click on the vehicle make and select Select. The Select Model screen appears.
Right-click on the vehicle model and select Select. The Standard Billing Hours (Showing Selected) screen appears.
Click Show
to view all VMRS codes.
Locate the VMRS code you require and type the standard time in the hours field for the VMRS.
Click Enter
to save the hours.
The equipment standards for an activity are based on equipment group. Each group can have their own parts, procedures, skills, and check lists.
This option allows you to identify and maintain the parts required for an activity on a particular equipment group.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Activity Codes. The Activity Codes display screen appears.
Right-click on the component and select Equipment Standards. The Select Task screen appears.
Right-click on the task and select Select. The Group Standards display screen appears.
Right-click on the equipment group and select Parts. The Operation Code/Item Parts change screen appears.
Click Add
. The Operation
Code/Item Parts add screen appears.
For each required part, type in or select the Standard Part Item Number and type in the Quantity Required.
Quantity Required: identifies how many of the parts will be required.
Standard Part Item Number: identifies the standard part that is required for the specified task on the specified equipment group. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Click Enter
to save the parts. They
will disappear from the Add
Click Exit
twice to return to the Activity Codes display
You may want to set up procedures for how an activity is performed on a specific equipment group.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Activity Codes. The Activity Codes display screen appears.
Right-click on the component and select Equipment Standards. The Select Task screen appears.
Right-click on the task and select Select. The Activity Equipment Group Standards display screen appears.
Right-click on the equipment group you want to define procedures for and select Procedures. The Maintain Group Op Code Procedures change screen appears.
Click Add
. The Maintain
Group Op Code Procedures add screen appears.
Type the procedures on the blank lines. Make sure to press Tab or Field Exit at the end of each line to get to the next line.
Click Enter
to save the procedures.
They disappear from the Add
Click Exit
to return to the Activity
Equipment Group Standards display screen.
An activity may require employees with particular skills to perform it on specific equipment groups. This table lets you identify the skills required and identify the standard number of hours the activity will take for a person with that skill.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Activity Codes. The Activity Codes display screen appears.
Right-click on the component and select Equipment Standards. The Select Task screen appears.
Right-click on the task and select Select. The Activity Equipment Group Standards display screen appears.
Right-click on the equipment group you want to define skills for and select Skills. The Edit Activity/Equipment Group Skills display screen appears.
Click Show
to view all possible skills.
Right-click on a skill you require and select Select. An asterisk appears in front of the skill.
Type the time required to perform the activity on the specified equipment group in the Standard Hours field for the skill.
Standard Hours: is the usual amount of time the job takes by someone with the specified skill set, to two decimal places.
Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each skill required.
Click Enter
to save the information.
Click Exit
to return to the Activity
Equipment Group Standards display screen.
You can create a check list of activities required to perform a repair activity on a specific group of equipment units.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Activity Codes. The Activity Codes display screen appears.
Right-click on the component and select Equipment Standards. The Select Task screen appears.
Right-click on the task and select Select. The Activity Equipment Group Standards display screen appears.
Right-click on the equipment group you want to define a check list for and select Check List. The Group Op Code Check List change screen appears.
Click Add
. The Group
Op Code Check List add screen appears.
Type in the check list items on the blank lines of the screen, one item per line.
Click Enter
to save the check list items.
They disappear from the Add
Click Exit
to return to the Activity
Equipment Group Standards display screen.
If you have defined multiple languages, some of these tables may have
columns for one of those languages. You can enter a description of the
item in the specified language in that column, or you can leave it blank.
Additionally, the Alt Language
icon may appear on the screen. You can use it to enter descriptions in
the other languages you have defined.
You can pick and create a list of VMRS/task bar codes to print. The list is saved in a temporary file to allow you to de-select and print, but the list will not be saved permanently.
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | Activity Codes. The Activity Codes display screen appears.
Right-click on activity you wish to print and select Sel for Bar Code List. The Select Task screen appears.
Right-click on the task and select Select.
Repeat steps 2-3 for each activity to be printed.
Click B/C Lst
. The VMRS
Bar Code List Selection change screen appears.
Click Print
. The bar code listing will print on your
default printer.
The hierarchy for thresholds is:
1. VMRS/task/group
2. VMRS/group (leaving task blank)
3. VMRS/task/equipment type
4. VMRS/equipment type (leaving task blank)
To set up thresholds:
At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables | Maintenance | VMRS Codes | VMRS Repeat Thresholds. The VMRS Repeat Thresholds display screen appears.
Click All/Selected
to view all VMRS codes.
Right-click on the VMRS code and select Threshold. The VMRS Repeat Thresholds display screen appears.
Click Change
. The VMRS
Repeat Thresholds change screen appears.
To maintain thresholds by group:
Click Add
by Group .
The Select Task screen
Right-click on the task and select Select. The Select Groups for Threshold display screen appears.
Click All/Selected
to display all groups.
Type in the number of threshold days for each group to be added.
Click Exit
to return to the VMRS
Repeat Thresholds change screen.
To maintain thresholds by equipment type:
Click Add
by Type .
The Select Task screen
Right-click on the task and select Select. The Equipment Types for Threshold display screen appears.
Click All/Selected
to display all equipment
Type in the number of threshold days for each equipment type to be added.
Click Exit
to return to the VMRS
Repeat Thresholds change screen.
To update existing data with a mass change:
Click Update
. The VMRS
Threshold Updates enter screen appears.
Fill in the fields as required:
Task Code:
is a specific task for which the threshold will be
changed. It is optional. You can click on the Prompt button to display a selection list.
All Tasks: identifies whether or not threshold days should be updated for all tasks.
Equipment Group:
is a specific equipment group for which threshold
days will be updated. It is optional. You can click
on the Prompt
to display a selection list.
All Groups: identifies whether or not threshold days should be updated for all equipment groups.
Equipment Type:
is a specific equipment type for which threshold days
will be updated. It is optional. You can click on
the Prompt
to display a selection list.
All Types: identifies whether or not threshold days should be updated for all equipment types.
Threshold Days: is the new number of threshold days for the selected records.
Click Enter
. The threshold days will
be updated for the appropriate records.
Click Exit
to return to the VMRS
Repeat Thresholds change screen.
To manually add repeat thresholds, click Add . The
VMRS Repeat Thresholds
add screen appears.
Fill in the fields as required: Task; Group; Type; Days.
Days: is the minimum number of days between performance of the task on units in the specified group or type. If the task is performed sooner, a warning message is displayed on the work order screen. This lets the technician know when the frequency of repairs is unusually high for a particular unit.
Type: is the equipment type the threshold is for. Only one of group or type should be entered on a line. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Note that super equipment types are allowed. If a super is defined, it means the threshold days will apply to all equipment types within that super, unless the individual equipment types also have their own threshold defined.
Group: is the equipment group the threshold is for. Only one of group or type should be entered on a line. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Task: is the VMRS task the threshold is for. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Click Enter
to save the thresholds; they will disappear
from the Add screen.
Click Exit
to return to the menu.